lauantai 2. maaliskuuta 2013

Photos, photos, photos...

We have taken some "serious" photos of our Kise and Kuroko's cosplay. We had really fun taking these pictures. Well, I don't have anything else to say. Enjoy ! 

AND WE KNOW IT'S LITTLE AWKWARD TAKE PHOTO OF TEIKO AND SEIRIN TOGETHER! But right now we don't have other costumes from kuroko no basuke. We will later make more costumes, so don't worry about that. And thanks Aatsiu, she was our photographer.

 Kise's normal pose!

Kuroko think he is playing with Kise again though Kise actually isn't there.

 Kise is pregnant

Kise: Come on ! It doesn't hurt that much!
Kuroko: Yes it hurts!

-  Kuroko

3 kommenttia:

  1. Vastaukset
    1. Kiitos, nenä oli hieman punainen tuon pahoinpitelyn jäljiltä ^^'
      - Kise

    2. Aijajaiii toi video ;;__;; Kisen nenu-parka. Jotenki kävi aavistuksessa, että jotain tommosta käy :D
